Happy New Year guys!
I noticed everyone else was writing blog posts like this so I wanna do a 2022 recap as well.

I graduated college in 2022. It was a very bumpy road and I'm glad I'm done with it. I met cool people there, and even became close friends with some of them! I studied 3D art and some animation but I ended up taking more generalized 3D studies, although I did take 3D animation classes.
I drew a lot of fan art in 2021-2022, not bc I'm unoriginal but bc for me, fan art takes less energy to make than original art, and college is draining, but I still wanted to draw! So I settled for fan art. I have OCs but a good chunk of them are either due for a redesign or straight up don't have a design (I have story ideas so I have the personalities of these OCs down somewhat, but not their looks), and I simply didn't feel like going through the process of redesigning or designing these OCs, although I ended up designing one OC in 2021, the jester demon (who's currently my PFP).
Although there are five months empty in my 2022 art summary, I still drew a lot in the last few months of 2022, and I'm happy I did.
I have a few art related goals for 2023 and although they might sound like a lot, I actually don't want to be too hard on myself this year as I'm still dealing with burnout, but I also don't want to just sit idly and not work towards something big. I don't have a particular desire to achieve anything big this year, but I want to take the steps which could contribute to something great in the coming years.
My goals are:
- Study the human anatomy more - I'll be focusing more on the upper body for now along with the hands. If I find myself doing well I might expand to lower body but it will depend on a variety of factors.
- Create more 3D art - I haven't finished a lot of 3D projects but I don't want to beat myself up for it, especially if it ends up teaching me something.
- Draw detailed backgrounds more often - This one might actually not be too difficult to accomplish, especially if I use reference photos. I actually might do some landscape studies using my own photo references.
- Learn 2D animation - I have done a little bit of 2D animation, but not a lot. I've done more 3D animation and while I went to college to study all of this, I prefer the look of 2D animation as it has this specific kind of rawness that 3D can't capture as well. I know that I struggle a lot with timing and spacing, so time to animate a bunch of bouncing balls! I want to get somewhat decent at 2D animation as it's something I've had some interest in for a long time, and also bc I got The Animator's Survival Kit back in 2018 to be able to study animation more! I also kinda want to create a 2D animated short movie at some point based on a script I wrote back in 2020, though that script needs to go through some revisions to flow better.
- Create more original art - yeah this one won't be too difficult to accomplish either, especially since as already mentioned, I have a bunch of OCs that I wanna draw. Drawing fan art has been a lot of fun but I think it's time to start focusing on more original art. That's not to say I want to completely stop doing it, I've actually been itching to draw some .hack//G.U. fan art for a bit, but in general I want to create less of it. I really want to work on my original projects and tell stories that can hopefully speak out to people.
I can't remember if I set any specific goals for 2022 but if I did, I'm not exactly sure if I ended up achieving them aside from finishing college. Now that I don't have college weighing me down anymore, achieving the goals I set for myself should be easier, even if I only make it halfway through to them.
And now for some highlights of art I made in 2022 which I'm particularly proud of:

As with a lot of pieces, I went into this with little to no planning, I was just doodling Monkey Moo, the pose I went with was actually only the second sketch I made. Then I decided to actually paint a background, even if minimal, bc I usually don't paint backgrounds bc of how time consuming they can get. I also decided to go with an overall colder color scheme bc I thought it would be interesting contrast with the jungle setting (I know jungles can get chillier in nights but in general they're rather warm).

This was a piece I did for Huevember 2022. I did my own prompt list and divided it into 10 prompts (I didn't do all of them bc I ended up burning out and some other stuff came up as well). At first I wasn't sure what to do for until I realized that the colors I had in front of me were very reminiscent of Cynder, so I decided to just paint her, especially since she's such a cool looking character, and I used to play The Legend of Spyro quite a bit on my PS2 back in the day. I do think I could've decreased the contrast on corrupted!Cynder in the background, I just didn't really know how to do it though I've already figured it out. Maybe I'll redraw this someday!

I wanted to subvert people's expectations with cute Pokemon in this piece and tried to make Pachirisu less cute (but still cute) with its cheeks stuffed full of food. I also tried to go for a lineless painting though I fumbled with the lighting (particularly the ambient lighting) and got tired of working on this piece in the end. I also used a rather unorthodox palette in this, or at least I think so. The grass turned completely gray while Pachirisu still looks rather colorful, not just with the pinks looking rather saturated but the shading is also somewhat colorful. The background isn't detailed but still works I think. I want to paint minimalistic backgrounds like this more, as they end up evoking a bit of a storybook feeling.

I am rather insecure when it comes to drawing people but I still wanted to draw something for Hibiki's birthday as I like to play him in Blazblue Centralfiction. Considering I don't draw people a lot (though I've been doing some periodical gesture and anatomical studies since 2020) I think this game out rather nice, although I did have to use a 3D model in CSP to get the proportions and perspective just right. I based the pose on one of his sprites though I ended up taking some creative liberties with it. The hardest part of this painting was painting the sword smears, I should've done a much better job of separating each element and give it its own layer to make life easier...
Btw, this piece was also done for Huevember. The prompts with his colors also nearly timed up with his birthday (his birthday was day afterwards) so I actually delayed this piece and took more time to work on it to upload it on his birthday.
And for my most popular art on social media as I also believe it's interesting to look at:

This piece got over 1K likes on Twitter and I'm not exactly sure why. I actually have very mixed feelings about it, even with the crude 3D setup in Blender which I used to help myself with the lighting. I think I messed up the shading on the botton part, and Hisuian Zorua having darker paws didn't exactly help. I'm happy with the shading on the face but I think I messed up everything else. Maybe I'll redraw this one and apply what I've learned, and maybe even make the background more interesting ti look at. This piece was rather rushed as I got a bit tired of working on it.

I have no idea why this has 500+ notes on Tumblr. I did this in around 30-60 minutes after Bellibolt had just been revealed. Oh well, I guess that's just social media in a nutshell. This piece was somewhat important in helping me figure out how to paint very quickly and not spend too much time on pieces though so it's not all bad.

Actually really happy this piece got somewhat popular not just on Twitter but also on Tumblr, and now the Instagram algorithm is also picking it up? Sweet! I especially love the attention this has been getting on Tumblr as I love reading people's tags!

This hour long doodle got popular on Twitter and I'm not sure why, but I love the tax fraud jokes people have made both there and on Tumblr. I'm not upset this one got picked up, it's just... why, lol.
I had a lot of fun painting this piece and figured out a different way to glaze and blend colors in it. Also played quite a bit around with layer modes in SAI to achieve this look. You can also think of it as sort of a prequel to the shiny Pachirisu painting, if you squint you can see similar tree silhouettes in it. I also didn't realize until a friend pointed out just how nicely the reds stick out from the greens.
And that's a wrap! Thank you for reading this post! Looking forward to what I'll create and accomplish in 2023, and I wish you all a happy 2023!